*** ATTENTION, This page has now been superceeded for all things new with the Trash Taxonomy, see MaTCH Github (https://github.com/hannahhapich/MaTCH) and webtool (https://hannahhapich.shinyapps.io/match/) ***
Trash Taxonomy website is a portal for relational tables that relate trash survey nomenclature. It includes 7 relational tables and a tool that can be used to query the relational tables with trash survey sheets.
This tool was developed by collating and comparing categories and terms used from over 50 commonly used in trash survey sheets.
We are grateful for the funding for this project provided by the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Marine Debris Program, and the Benioff Ocean Initiative
About the Relational Tables
These relational tables describe alias relationships (words that mean the same thing) and hierarchical relationships (words that are nested groups within one another). You can view or download these tables using the relational table tab above!
About the Query Tool
This tool queries the relational tables with an uploaded trash survey list. To use the tool, upload a csv file to the upload file tab.
The file needs to be a csv with one column named -material- and another named -items-.
The material should correspond to the item names in the same row.
How To Use
In order to assist your navigation through both the relational tables and query tool functions of this app, please refer to the video tutorial below.
Funded By
H. Hapich, W. Cowger, A. Gray, Jambeck Research Group. 2020. Trash Taxonomy. https://trashtaxonomy.shinyapps.io/trashtaxonomy/
View and Download Relational Tables
Materials Alias Table
This table describes the aliases that can be used to describe material types and links them to a key term. Each row represents a unique material and each column is an alias for that material.
This table describes the aliases that can be used to describe item types and links them to a key term. Each row represents a unique item and each column is an alias for that item.