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This function is responsible for handling the rule reformating, dataset handling and foreign key checks.


reformat_rules(rules, data_formatted, zip_data = NULL)



A data.frame containing rules to be reformatted.


A named list of data.frames with data.


A file path to a zip folder with additional data to check.


A data.frame with reformatted rules.


reformat_rules(rules = test_rules, data_formatted = valid_example)
#>                               name
#> 1                       ParticleID
#> 2                           Amount
#> 3                            Color
#> 4                          Polymer
#> 5                            Shape
#> 6                          PhotoID
#> 7                 ParticleComments
#> 8                      PlasticType
#> 9                           Length
#> 10                           Width
#> 11                          Height
#> 12                           Units
#> 13                            Mass
#> 14                     SurfaceArea
#> 15                   SizeDimension
#> 16                          Volume
#> 17                         Tactile
#> 18                     ArrivalDate
#> 19                    AnalysisDate
#> 20                        MethodID
#> 21                     MatIDMethod
#> 22                       Equipment
#> 23                   Magnification
#> 24                  MethodComments
#> 25                       Protocols
#> 26                      Deployment
#> 27                  SamplingDevice
#> 28                SmallestParticle
#> 29                     TopParticle
#> 30                      FilterType
#> 31                  FilterDiameter
#> 32                  FilterPoreSize
#> 33                       ImageFile
#> 34                       ImageType
#> 35                        SampleID
#> 36                      SampleSize
#> 37                         Project
#> 38                     Affiliation
#> 39                        Citation
#> 40                OwnerContributor
#> 41             AnalysisContributor
#> 42            ReportingContributor
#> 43                        SiteName
#> 44                        Location
#> 45                     Compartment
#> 46                  SampleComments
#> 47                   SamplingDepth
#> 48                  SamplingVolume
#> 49                  SamplingWeight
#> 50              BlankContamination
#> 51                        Latitude
#> 52                       Longitude
#> 53                          Matrix
#> 54         CollectionStartDateTime
#> 55           CollectionEndDateTime
#> 56                     SpatialFile
#> 57                   Concentration
#> 58              ConcentrationUnits
#> 59       StandardizedConcentration
#> 60  StandardizedConcentrationUnits
#> 61               Color_Transparent
#> 62                      Color_Blue
#> 63                       Color_Red
#> 64                     Color_Brown
#> 65                     Color_Green
#> 66                    Color_Orange
#> 67                     Color_White
#> 68                    Color_Yellow
#> 69                      Color_Pink
#> 70                     Color_Black
#> 71                     Color_Other
#> 72                   Material_PEST
#> 73                     Material_PE
#> 74                     Material_PP
#> 75                     Material_PA
#> 76                  Material_PE_PS
#> 77                     Material_PS
#> 78                     Material_CA
#> 79                    Material_PVC
#> 80                     Material_ER
#> 81                    Material_PAM
#> 82                    Material_PET
#> 83        Material_PlasticAdditive
#> 84                    Material_PBT
#> 85                     Material_PU
#> 86               Material_PET_PEST
#> 87                    Material_PAN
#> 88               Material_Silicone
#> 89                Material_Acrylic
#> 90                  Material_Vinyl
#> 91                 Material_Vinyon
#> 92                  Material_Other
#> 93                  Material_PA_ER
#> 94                    Material_PTT
#> 95                  Material_PE_PP
#> 96                    Material_PPS
#> 97                  Material_Rayon
#> 98                    Material_PAA
#> 99                   Material_PMPS
#> 100                    Material_PI
#> 101                Material_Olefin
#> 102     Material_Styrene_Butadiene
#> 103                   Material_PBA
#> 104                  Material_PMMA
#> 105            Material_Cellophane
#> 106                   Material_SAN
#> 107                    Material_PC
#> 108                  Material_PDMS
#> 109                   Material_PLA
#> 110                  Material_PTFE
#> 111                   Material_SBR
#> 112            Material_PET_Olefin
#> 113                   Material_PES
#> 114                   Material_ABS
#> 115                  Material_LDPE
#> 116                  Material_PEVA
#> 117                    Material_AR
#> 118                   Material_PVA
#> 119                   Material_PPE
#> 120            Morphology_Fragment
#> 121               Morphology_Fiber
#> 122              Morphology_Nurdle
#> 123                Morphology_Film
#> 124                Morphology_Foam
#> 125              Morphology_Sphere
#> 126                Morphology_Line
#> 127                Morphology_Bead
#> 128               Morphology_Sheet
#> 129       Morphology_Film_Fragment
#> 130    Morphology_Rubbery_Fragment
#> 131                    Size_3000um
#> 132                     Size_2_5mm
#> 133                     Size_1_5mm
#> 134                     Size_1_2mm
#> 135                   Size_0.5_1mm
#> 136           Size_less_than_0.5mm
#> 137                     Size_500um
#> 138                 Size_300_500um
#> 139                 Size_125_300um
#> 140                 Size_100_500um
#> 141        Size_greater_than_100um
#> 142                  Size_50_150um
#> 143                  Size_50_100um
#> 144                      Size_50um
#> 145                  Size_45_125um
#> 146         Size_greater_than_25um
#> 147                  Size_20um_5mm
#> 148                  Size_20_100um
#> 149                   Size_20_50um
#> 150                   Size_10_50um
#> 151                   Size_10_45um
#> 152                   Size_10_20um
#> 153         Size_greater_than_10um
#> 154                   Size_8_316um
#> 155                   Size_5_100um
#> 156                    Size_5_10um
#> 157                    Size_4_10um
#> 158                   Size_1.5_5um
#> 159           Size_less_than_1.5um
#> 160                   Size_1_100um
#> 161                    Size_1_50um
#> 162                    Size_1_10um
#> 163                     Size_1_5um
#> 164                 Size_110_124nm
#> 165                    Size_0_20um
#>                                                                                                                                              description
#> 1                                                                                                       Online identifier for particle; should be unique
#> 2   If there are two or more identical particles (in every aspect), upload it once and indicate the number of identical particles here as a whole number
#> 3                                                                                                                     Particle color must be a character
#> 4                                                                                                                   Particle polymer must be a character
#> 5                                                                                                          Particle shape/morphology must be a character
#> 6                                                                                                                    Images must be .png, .jpg, or .jpeg
#> 7                                                                                                                 Additional comments about the particle
#> 8                                                                              Plastic type should be either 'Microplastic'(s), 'Macroplastic'(s), or NA
#> 9                                                                                                                        Particle size longest dimension
#> 10                                                                                                                      Particle size shortest dimension
#> 11                                                                                                                              Third particle dimension
#> 12                                                                                                                            Evaluated size range units
#> 13                                                                                                                                    Particle mass (mg)
#> 14                                                                                                                Particle projected surface area (um^3)
#> 15                                                                    The name of the size used to describe the plastic rather than the exact dimensions
#> 16                                                                                                                             Particle projected volume
#> 17                                                                                                  Particle tactile features (Ridgid, Rubbery, Squishy)
#> 18                                                                                                            The date the particle arrived for analysis
#> 19                                                                                                  The date the analysis for the particle was finalized
#> 20                                                                                                   Online identifier for methodology; should be unique
#> 21                                                                                                      Material identification method (ex. Raman, ftir)
#> 22                                                                                                          The name of the instrument used for analysis
#> 23                                                                                                       Magnification of the instrument during analysis
#> 24                                                                                                                  Additional comments about the method
#> 25                                             List any protocols that were taken to reduce contamination (ex. Airfiltration type, clothing policy, etc)
#> 26                                                                                                                        Deployment method; Grab or Net
#> 27                                                                                                          Device used to collect sample and dimensions
#> 28                                                                                                                  Smallest particle size measured (um)
#> 29                                                                                                                       Top particle size measured (um)
#> 30                                                                                                                                  Filter material type
#> 31                                                                                                              Diameter of filter in mm; must not be NA
#> 32                                                                                                                                Filter pore size in um
#> 33                                                                                                                          File name needs to be unique
#> 34                                                                                                     Image type should be SEM, Visual, or Fluorescence
#> 35                                                                                                        Online identifier for sample; should be unique
#> 36                                                                                                                 The number of particles in the sample
#> 37                                                                                  The name of the project the sample is a part of and should not be NA
#> 38                                                                                The name of the institute where the researcher is from; must not be NA
#> 39                                                                                                 The citation for the sample collected; must not be NA
#> 40                                                                                                     The name of the person/people who owns the sample
#> 41                                                  The name of the person/people who analyzed the sample; is in charge of the quality of the data entry
#> 42                                                                                         The name of the person/people who reported the sample results
#> 43                                                                            The name of the site that the sample was collected at and should not be NA
#> 44                                                                             The name of the location the sample was collected at and should not be NA
#> 45                                                                                    Sample type of environment must be valid (ex. Fresh water surface)
#> 46                                                                                                                  Additional comments about the sample
#> 47     The depth layer the sample was taken (in m); biota and sediment samples = water depth, soil and beach samples = depth from surface if not surface
#> 48                                                                                                              The volume of the matrix sampled (in m3)
#> 49                                                                     The weight of the sample (in kg)- apart from biota it always refers to dry weight
#> 50                                                The number of particles which contaminate each blank sample collected with this methodology on average
#> 51                                                                                              Latitude of sample in decimal degrees up to eight places
#> 52                                                                                             Longitude of sample in decimal degrees up to eight places
#> 53                                                                               The sample type; ex. 'Drinking Water', 'River Water', or 'Source Water'
#> 54                                                                                                  Sample collection start date time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm)
#> 55                                                                                                    Sample collection end date time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm)
#> 56                                                                                                                              Spatial file name (.kml)
#> 57                                                                                                             The concentration of plastics in a sample
#> 58                                                                                                 The unit for the concentration of plastics per sample
#> 59                                                                                                       If concentration is standardized, indicate here
#> 60                                                                                                           The unit for the standardized concentration
#> 61                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 62                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 63                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 64                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 65                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 66                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 67                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 68                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 69                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 70                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 71                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 72                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 73                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 74                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 75                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 76                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 77                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 78                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 79                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 80                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 81                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 82                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 83                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 84                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 85                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 86                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 87                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 88                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 89                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 90                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 91                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 92                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 93                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 94                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 95                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 96                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 97                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 98                                                                                                       Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
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#> 100                                                                                                      Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 101                                                                                                      Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 102                                                                                                      Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 103                                                                                                      Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 104                                                                                                      Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 105                                                                                                      Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 106                                                                                                      Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 107                                                                                                      Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 108                                                                                                      Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
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#> 124                                                                                                      Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
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#> 126                                                                                                      Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 127                                                                                                      Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 128                                                                                                      Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
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#> 151                                                                                                      Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 152                                                                                                      Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 153                                                                                                      Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 154                                                                                                      Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 155                                                                                                      Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 156                                                                                                      Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 157                                                                                                      Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 158                                                                                                      Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 159                                                                                                      Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 160                                                                                                      Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 161                                                                                                      Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 162                                                                                                      Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 163                                                                                                      Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 164                                                                                                      Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#> 165                                                                                                      Proportion of sample that has a given attribute
#>         dataset
#> 1     particles
#> 2     particles
#> 3     particles
#> 4     particles
#> 5     particles
#> 6     particles
#> 7     particles
#> 8     particles
#> 9     particles
#> 10    particles
#> 11    particles
#> 12    particles
#> 13    particles
#> 14    particles
#> 15    particles
#> 16    particles
#> 17    particles
#> 18    particles
#> 19    particles
#> 20  methodology
#> 21  methodology
#> 22  methodology
#> 23  methodology
#> 24  methodology
#> 25  methodology
#> 26  methodology
#> 27  methodology
#> 28  methodology
#> 29  methodology
#> 30  methodology
#> 31  methodology
#> 32  methodology
#> 33  methodology
#> 34  methodology
#> 35      samples
#> 36      samples
#> 37      samples
#> 38      samples
#> 39      samples
#> 40      samples
#> 41      samples
#> 42      samples
#> 43      samples
#> 44      samples
#> 45      samples
#> 46      samples
#> 47      samples
#> 48      samples
#> 49      samples
#> 50      samples
#> 51      samples
#> 52      samples
#> 53      samples
#> 54      samples
#> 55      samples
#> 56      samples
#> 57      samples
#> 58      samples
#> 59      samples
#> 60      samples
#> 61      samples
#> 62      samples
#> 63      samples
#> 64      samples
#> 65      samples
#> 66      samples
#> 67      samples
#> 68      samples
#> 69      samples
#> 70      samples
#> 71      samples
#> 72      samples
#> 73      samples
#> 74      samples
#> 75      samples
#> 76      samples
#> 77      samples
#> 78      samples
#> 79      samples
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#> 91      samples
#> 92      samples
#> 93      samples
#> 94      samples
#> 95      samples
#> 96      samples
#> 97      samples
#> 98      samples
#> 99      samples
#> 100     samples
#> 101     samples
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#> 103     samples
#> 104     samples
#> 105     samples
#> 106     samples
#> 107     samples
#> 108     samples
#> 109     samples
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#> 111     samples
#> 112     samples
#> 113     samples
#> 114     samples
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#> 126     samples
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#> 128     samples
#> 129     samples
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#> 132     samples
#> 133     samples
#> 134     samples
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#> 137     samples
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#> 141     samples
#> 142     samples
#> 143     samples
#> 144     samples
#> 145     samples
#> 146     samples
#> 147     samples
#> 148     samples
#> 149     samples
#> 150     samples
#> 151     samples
#> 152     samples
#> 153     samples
#> 154     samples
#> 155     samples
#> 156     samples
#> 157     samples
#> 158     samples
#> 159     samples
#> 160     samples
#> 161     samples
#> 162     samples
#> 163     samples
#> 164     samples
#> 165     samples
#>                                                                                                          valid_example
#> 1                                                                                                          1_23jreh334
#> 2                                                                                                                    2
#> 3                                                                                                                White
#> 4                                                                                                         Polyethylene
#> 5                                                                                                               Sphere
#> 6                                                                                       ALGALITA_CW_3_above500_30.jpeg
#> 7                                                                                                        Spectra noisy
#> 8                                                                                                         Microplastic
#> 9                                                                                                                  100
#> 10                                                                                                                 100
#> 11                                                                                                                 100
#> 12                                                                                                                  um
#> 13                                                                                                                 0.1
#> 14                                                                                                            31415.93
#> 15                                                                                                             Nominal
#> 16                                                                                                               10000
#> 17                                                                                                              Ridgid
#> 18                                                                                                          yyyy-mm-dd
#> 19                                                                                                          yyyy-mm-dd
#> 20
#> 21                                                                                                                FTIR
#> 22                                                                                                       Nikon SMZ1270
#> 23                                                                                                                  10
#> 24                                                                                                                 N/A
#> 25                               Airfiltration system in lab (Honeywell) and synthetic clothing is restricted from lab
#> 26                                                                                                                Grab
#> 27                                                                                                      10 L Glass Jar
#> 28                                                                                                                  45
#> 29                                                                                                                9600
#> 30                                                                                           gold coated polycarbonate
#> 31                                                                                                                  45
#> 32                                                                                                                  10
#> 33                                                                                                           photo.jpg
#> 34                                                                                                                 SEM
#> 35                                                                                                           23jreh334
#> 36                                                                                                                 714
#> 37                                                                                        Microplastics Image Explorer
#> 38                                                                      Moore Institute for Plastic Pollution Research
#> 39               Lattin and Moore 2020, Interlab Comparison Study Data, Moore Institute for Plastic Pollution Research
#> 40                                                                      Moore Institute for Plastic Pollution Research
#> 41                                                                      Moore Institute for Plastic Pollution Research
#> 42                                                                      Moore Institute for Plastic Pollution Research
#> 43                                                                                 Riverside County Water Municipality
#> 44                                                                                                 Long Beach, CA, USA
#> 45                                                                                                 Fresh water surface
#> 46                                                                                         internal standard particles
#> 47                                                                                                                 100
#> 48                                                                                                                 100
#> 49                                                                                                                 100
#> 50                                                                                                                  10
#> 51                                                                                                            33.74697
#> 52                                                                                                          -118.11537
#> 53                                                                                                      Drinking Water
#> 54                                                                                                 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
#> 55                                                                                                 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
#> 56                                                              Bacon_Rind_1A|
#> 57                                                                                                                 0.8
#> 58                                                                                                         particles/L
#> 59                                                                                                                 800
#> 60                                                                                                                ppm3
#> 61                                                                                                                0.09
#> 62                                                                                                                0.09
#> 63                                                                                                                0.09
#> 64                                                                                                                0.09
#> 65                                                                                                                0.09
#> 66                                                                                                                0.09
#> 67                                                                                                                0.09
#> 68                                                                                                                0.09
#> 69                                                                                                                0.09
#> 70                                                                                                                0.09
#> 71                                                                                                                0.09
#> 72                                                                                                               0.019
#> 73                                                                                                               0.019
#> 74                                                                                                               0.019
#> 75                                                                                                               0.019
#> 76                                                                                                               0.019
#> 77                                                                                                               0.019
#> 78                                                                                                               0.019
#> 79                                                                                                               0.019
#> 80                                                                                                               0.019
#> 81                                                                                                               0.019
#> 82                                                                                                               0.019
#> 83                                                                                                               0.019
#> 84                                                                                                               0.019
#> 85                                                                                                               0.019
#> 86                                                                                                               0.019
#> 87                                                                                                               0.019
#> 88                                                                                                               0.019
#> 89                                                                                                               0.019
#> 90                                                                                                               0.019
#> 91                                                                                                               0.019
#> 92                                                                                                               0.019
#> 93                                                                                                               0.019
#> 94                                                                                                               0.019
#> 95                                                                                                               0.019
#> 96                                                                                                               0.019
#> 97                                                                                                               0.019
#> 98                                                                                                               0.019
#> 99                                                                                                               0.019
#> 100                                                                                                              0.019
#> 101                                                                                                              0.019
#> 102                                                                                                              0.019
#> 103                                                                                                              0.019
#> 104                                                                                                              0.019
#> 105                                                                                                              0.019
#> 106                                                                                                              0.019
#> 107                                                                                                              0.019
#> 108                                                                                                              0.019
#> 109                                                                                                              0.019
#> 110                                                                                                              0.019
#> 111                                                                                                              0.019
#> 112                                                                                                              0.019
#> 113                                                                                                              0.019
#> 114                                                                                                              0.019
#> 115                                                                                                              0.019
#> 116                                                                                                              0.019
#> 117                                                                                                              0.019
#> 118                                                                                                              0.019
#> 119                                                                                                              0.019
#> 120                                                                                                               0.14
#> 121                                                                                                               0.14
#> 122                                                                                                              0.019
#> 123                                                                                                              0.019
#> 124                                                                                                              0.019
#> 125                                                                                                              0.019
#> 126                                                                                                               0.14
#> 127                                                                                                               0.14
#> 128                                                                                                               0.14
#> 129                                                                                                               0.14
#> 130                                                                                                               0.14
#> 131                                                                                                              0.028
#> 132                                                                                                              0.028
#> 133                                                                                                              0.028
#> 134                                                                                                              0.028
#> 135                                                                                                              0.028
#> 136                                                                                                              0.028
#> 137                                                                                                              0.028
#> 138                                                                                                              0.028
#> 139                                                                                                              0.028
#> 140                                                                                                              0.028
#> 141                                                                                                              0.028
#> 142                                                                                                              0.028
#> 143                                                                                                              0.028
#> 144                                                                                                              0.028
#> 145                                                                                                              0.028
#> 146                                                                                                              0.028
#> 147                                                                                                              0.028
#> 148                                                                                                              0.028
#> 149                                                                                                              0.028
#> 150                                                                                                              0.028
#> 151                                                                                                              0.028
#> 152                                                                                                              0.028
#> 153                                                                                                              0.028
#> 154                                                                                                              0.028
#> 155                                                                                                              0.028
#> 156                                                                                                              0.028
#> 157                                                                                                              0.028
#> 158                                                                                                              0.028
#> 159                                                                                                              0.028
#> 160                                                                                                              0.028
#> 161                                                                                                              0.028
#> 162                                                                                                              0.028
#> 163                                                                                                              0.028
#> 164                                                                                                              0.028
#> 165                                                                                                              0.028
#>     severity
#> 1    warning
#> 2    warning
#> 3    warning
#> 4    warning
#> 5    warning
#> 6    warning
#> 7    warning
#> 8    warning
#> 9    warning
#> 10   warning
#> 11   warning
#> 12   warning
#> 13   warning
#> 14   warning
#> 15   warning
#> 16   warning
#> 17   warning
#> 18   warning
#> 19   warning
#> 20   warning
#> 21   warning
#> 22   warning
#> 23   warning
#> 24   warning
#> 25   warning
#> 26   warning
#> 27   warning
#> 28   warning
#> 29   warning
#> 30   warning
#> 31   warning
#> 32   warning
#> 33   warning
#> 34   warning
#> 35   warning
#> 36   warning
#> 37   warning
#> 38   warning
#> 39   warning
#> 40   warning
#> 41   warning
#> 42   warning
#> 43   warning
#> 44   warning
#> 45   warning
#> 46   warning
#> 47   warning
#> 48   warning
#> 49   warning
#> 50   warning
#> 51   warning
#> 52   warning
#> 53   warning
#> 54   warning
#> 55   warning
#> 56   warning
#> 57   warning
#> 58   warning
#> 59   warning
#> 60   warning
#> 61   warning
#> 62   warning
#> 63   warning
#> 64   warning
#> 65   warning
#> 66   warning
#> 67   warning
#> 68   warning
#> 69   warning
#> 70   warning
#> 71   warning
#> 72   warning
#> 73   warning
#> 74   warning
#> 75   warning
#> 76   warning
#> 77   warning
#> 78   warning
#> 79   warning
#> 80   warning
#> 81   warning
#> 82   warning
#> 83   warning
#> 84   warning
#> 85   warning
#> 86   warning
#> 87   warning
#> 88   warning
#> 89   warning
#> 90   warning
#> 91   warning
#> 92   warning
#> 93   warning
#> 94   warning
#> 95   warning
#> 96   warning
#> 97   warning
#> 98   warning
#> 99   warning
#> 100  warning
#> 101  warning
#> 102  warning
#> 103  warning
#> 104  warning
#> 105  warning
#> 106  warning
#> 107  warning
#> 108  warning
#> 109  warning
#> 110  warning
#> 111  warning
#> 112  warning
#> 113  warning
#> 114  warning
#> 115  warning
#> 116  warning
#> 117  warning
#> 118  warning
#> 119  warning
#> 120  warning
#> 121  warning
#> 122  warning
#> 123  warning
#> 124  warning
#> 125  warning
#> 126  warning
#> 127  warning
#> 128  warning
#> 129  warning
#> 130  warning
#> 131  warning
#> 132  warning
#> 133  warning
#> 134  warning
#> 135  warning
#> 136  warning
#> 137  warning
#> 138  warning
#> 139  warning
#> 140  warning
#> 141  warning
#> 142  warning
#> 143  warning
#> 144  warning
#> 145  warning
#> 146  warning
#> 147  warning
#> 148  warning
#> 149  warning
#> 150  warning
#> 151  warning
#> 152  warning
#> 153  warning
#> 154  warning
#> 155  warning
#> 156  warning
#> 157  warning
#> 158  warning
#> 159  warning
#> 160  warning
#> 161  warning
#> 162  warning
#> 163  warning
#> 164  warning
#> 165  warning
#>                                                                                                                         rule
#> 1                                                                                 is_unique(ParticleID) & !
#> 2                                                                                                Amount >= 2 |
#> 3                                                                                                        is.character(Color)
#> 4                                                                                                      is.character(Polymer)
#> 5                                                                                                        is.character(Shape)
#> 6                            grepl("(\\\\.jpg$)|(\\\\.png$)|(\\\\.jpeg$)", PhotoID, = TRUE) & is_unique(PhotoID)
#> 7                                                                         ! |
#> 8                  PlasticType %in% c("Microplastic", "Microplastics", "Macroplastic", "Macroplastics") |
#> 9                                                                                                         is.numeric(Length)
#> 10                                                                                                         is.numeric(Width)
#> 11                                                                                                        is.numeric(Height)
#> 12                                                                                                       is.character(Units)
#> 13                                                                                                          is.numeric(Mass)
#> 14                                                               in_range(is.numeric(SurfaceArea), min = 0.1, max = 1000000)
#> 15                    SizeDimension %in% c("Nominal", "nominal", "ferret diameter", "longest length") |
#> 16                                                                                                        is.numeric(Volume)
#> 17                                                           Tactile %in% c("Ridgid", "Rubbery", "Squishy") |
#> 18                                                   ! & !, format = "%Y-%m-%d"))
#> 19                                                 ! & !, format = "%Y-%m-%d"))
#> 20                                                                                    is_unique(MethodID) & !
#> 21                                                        MatIDMethod %in% c("FTIR", "Raman", "PyGCMS") |
#> 22                                                                                                         !
#> 23                                                                                                 is.numeric(Magnification)
#> 24                                                                            ! |
#> 25                                                                                      ! |
#> 26                                          toupper(Deployment) %in% c("GRAB", "NET") | | Deployment == ""
#> 27                                                                                              is.character(SamplingDevice)
#> 28                                                                                              is.numeric(SmallestParticle)
#> 29                                                                                                   is.numeric(TopParticle)
#> 30                                                                                                  is.character(FilterType)
#> 31                                                                                                is.numeric(FilterDiameter)
#> 32                                                                                                is.numeric(FilterPoreSize)
#> 33                                                                                                      is_unique(ImageFile)
#> 34                                                      ImageType %in% c("SEM", "Visual", "Fluorescence") |
#> 35                                                                                    is_unique(SampleID) & !
#> 36                                                                                                    is.numeric(SampleSize)
#> 37                                                                                   ! & is.character(Project)
#> 38                                                                           ! & is.character(Affiliation)
#> 39                                                                                 ! & is.character(Citation)
#> 40                                                                 ! & is.character(OwnerContributor)
#> 41                                                           ! & is.character(AnalysisContributor)
#> 42                                                         ! & is.character(ReportingContributor)
#> 43                                                                                 ! & is.character(SiteName)
#> 44                                                                                 ! & is.character(Location)
#> 45                                                                                                 is.character(Compartment)
#> 46                                                                            ! |
#> 47                                                                                                 is.numeric(SamplingDepth)
#> 48                                                                                                is.numeric(SamplingVolume)
#> 49                                                                                                is.numeric(SamplingWeight)
#> 50                                                                                                   BlankContamination >= 0
#> 51                                                                           grepl("^-?\\\\d+(\\\\.\\\\d{1,8})*$", Latitude)
#> 52                                                                          grepl("^-?\\\\d+(\\\\.\\\\d{1,8})*$", Longitude)
#> 53                                                                                                      is.character(Matrix)
#> 54                                                                                           !
#> 55                                                                                             !
#> 56                                                                                                 is.character(SpatialFile)
#> 57                                                                                                 is.numeric(Concentration)
#> 58                                                                                          is.character(ConcentrationUnits)
#> 59                                                                                     is.numeric(StandardizedConcentration)
#> 60                                                                              is.character(StandardizedConcentrationUnits)
#> 61                                Color_Transparent <=1 | Color_Transparent%vin%c("N/A") | Color_Transparent%vin%("Present")
#> 62                                                     Color_Blue <=1 | Color_Blue%vin%c("N/A") | Color_Blue%vin%("Present")
#> 63                                                        Color_Red <=1 | Color_Red%vin%c("N/A") | Color_Red%vin%("Present")
#> 64                                                  Color_Brown <=1 | Color_Brown%vin%c("N/A") | Color_Brown%vin%("Present")
#> 65                                                  Color_Green <=1 | Color_Green%vin%c("N/A") | Color_Green%vin%("Present")
#> 66                                               Color_Orange <=1 | Color_Orange%vin%c("N/A") | Color_Orange%vin%("Present")
#> 67                                                  Color_White <=1 | Color_White%vin%c("N/A") | Color_White%vin%("Present")
#> 68                                               Color_Yellow <=1 | Color_Yellow%vin%c("N/A") | Color_Yellow%vin%("Present")
#> 69                                                     Color_Pink <=1 | Color_Pink%vin%c("N/A") | Color_Pink%vin%("Present")
#> 70                                                  Color_Black <=1 | Color_Black%vin%c("N/A") | Color_Black%vin%("Present")
#> 71                                                  Color_Other <=1 | Color_Other%vin%c("N/A") | Color_Other%vin%("Present")
#> 72                                            Material_PEST <=1 | Material_PEST%vin%c("N/A") | Material_PEST%vin%("Present")
#> 73                                                  Material_PE <=1 | Material_PE%vin%c("N/A") | Material_PE%vin%("Present")
#> 74                                                  Material_PP <=1 | Material_PP%vin%c("N/A") | Material_PP%vin%("Present")
#> 75                                                  Material_PA <=1 | Material_PA%vin%c("N/A") | Material_PA%vin%("Present")
#> 76                                         Material_PE_PS <=1 | Material_PE_PS%vin%c("N/A") | Material_PE_PS%vin%("Present")
#> 77                                                  Material_PS <=1 | Material_PS%vin%c("N/A") | Material_PS%vin%("Present")
#> 78                                                  Material_CA <=1 | Material_CA%vin%c("N/A") | Material_CA%vin%("Present")
#> 79                                               Material_PVC <=1 | Material_PVC%vin%c("N/A") | Material_PVC%vin%("Present")
#> 80                                                  Material_ER <=1 | Material_ER%vin%c("N/A") | Material_ER%vin%("Present")
#> 81                                               Material_PAM <=1 | Material_PAM%vin%c("N/A") | Material_PAM%vin%("Present")
#> 82                                               Material_PET <=1 | Material_PET%vin%c("N/A") | Material_PET%vin%("Present")
#> 83           Material_PlasticAdditive <=1 | Material_PlasticAdditive%vin%c("N/A") | Material_PlasticAdditive%vin%("Present")
#> 84                                               Material_PBT <=1 | Material_PBT%vin%c("N/A") | Material_PBT%vin%("Present")
#> 85                                                  Material_PU <=1 | Material_PU%vin%c("N/A") | Material_PU%vin%("Present")
#> 86                                Material_PET_PEST <=1 | Material_PET_PEST%vin%c("N/A") | Material_PET_PEST%vin%("Present")
#> 87                                               Material_PAN <=1 | Material_PAN%vin%c("N/A") | Material_PAN%vin%("Present")
#> 88                                Material_Silicone <=1 | Material_Silicone%vin%c("N/A") | Material_Silicone%vin%("Present")
#> 89                                   Material_Acrylic <=1 | Material_Acrylic%vin%c("N/A") | Material_Acrylic%vin%("Present")
#> 90                                         Material_Vinyl <=1 | Material_Vinyl%vin%c("N/A") | Material_Vinyl%vin%("Present")
#> 91                                      Material_Vinyon <=1 | Material_Vinyon%vin%c("N/A") | Material_Vinyon%vin%("Present")
#> 92                                         Material_Other <=1 | Material_Other%vin%c("N/A") | Material_Other%vin%("Present")
#> 93                                         Material_PA_ER <=1 | Material_PA_ER%vin%c("N/A") | Material_PA_ER%vin%("Present")
#> 94                                               Material_PTT <=1 | Material_PTT%vin%c("N/A") | Material_PTT%vin%("Present")
#> 95                                         Material_PE_PP <=1 | Material_PE_PP%vin%c("N/A") | Material_PE_PP%vin%("Present")
#> 96                                               Material_PPS <=1 | Material_PPS%vin%c("N/A") | Material_PPS%vin%("Present")
#> 97                                         Material_Rayon <=1 | Material_Rayon%vin%c("N/A") | Material_Rayon%vin%("Present")
#> 98                                               Material_PAA <=1 | Material_PAA%vin%c("N/A") | Material_PAA%vin%("Present")
#> 99                                            Material_PMPS <=1 | Material_PMPS%vin%c("N/A") | Material_PMPS%vin%("Present")
#> 100                                                 Material_PI <=1 | Material_PI%vin%c("N/A") | Material_PI%vin%("Present")
#> 101                                     Material_Olefin <=1 | Material_Olefin%vin%c("N/A") | Material_Olefin%vin%("Present")
#> 102    Material_Styrene_Butadiene <=1 | Material_Styrene_Butadiene%vin%c("N/A") | Material_Styrene_Butadiene%vin%("Present")
#> 103                                              Material_PBA <=1 | Material_PBA%vin%c("N/A") | Material_PBA%vin%("Present")
#> 104                                           Material_PMMA <=1 | Material_PMMA%vin%c("N/A") | Material_PMMA%vin%("Present")
#> 105                         Material_Cellophane <=1 | Material_Cellophane%vin%c("N/A") | Material_Cellophane%vin%("Present")
#> 106                                              Material_SAN <=1 | Material_SAN%vin%c("N/A") | Material_SAN%vin%("Present")
#> 107                                                 Material_PC <=1 | Material_PC%vin%c("N/A") | Material_PC%vin%("Present")
#> 108                                           Material_PDMS <=1 | Material_PDMS%vin%c("N/A") | Material_PDMS%vin%("Present")
#> 109                                              Material_PLA <=1 | Material_PLA%vin%c("N/A") | Material_PLA%vin%("Present")
#> 110                                           Material_PTFE <=1 | Material_PTFE%vin%c("N/A") | Material_PTFE%vin%("Present")
#> 111                                              Material_SBR <=1 | Material_SBR%vin%c("N/A") | Material_SBR%vin%("Present")
#> 112                         Material_PET_Olefin <=1 | Material_PET_Olefin%vin%c("N/A") | Material_PET_Olefin%vin%("Present")
#> 113                                              Material_PES <=1 | Material_PES%vin%c("N/A") | Material_PES%vin%("Present")
#> 114                                              Material_ABS <=1 | Material_ABS%vin%c("N/A") | Material_ABS%vin%("Present")
#> 115                                           Material_LDPE <=1 | Material_LDPE%vin%c("N/A") | Material_LDPE%vin%("Present")
#> 116                                           Material_PEVA <=1 | Material_PEVA%vin%c("N/A") | Material_PEVA%vin%("Present")
#> 117                                                 Material_AR <=1 | Material_AR%vin%c("N/A") | Material_AR%vin%("Present")
#> 118                                              Material_PVA <=1 | Material_PVA%vin%c("N/A") | Material_PVA%vin%("Present")
#> 119                                              Material_PPE <=1 | Material_PPE%vin%c("N/A") | Material_PPE%vin%("Present")
#> 120                         Morphology_Fragment <=1 | Morphology_Fragment%vin%c("N/A") | Morphology_Fragment%vin%("Present")
#> 121                                  Morphology_Fiber <=1 | Morphology_Fiber%vin%c("N/A") | Morphology_Fiber%vin%("Present")
#> 122                               Morphology_Nurdle <=1 | Morphology_Nurdle%vin%c("N/A") | Morphology_Nurdle%vin%("Present")
#> 123                                     Morphology_Film <=1 | Morphology_Film%vin%c("N/A") | Morphology_Film%vin%("Present")
#> 124                                     Morphology_Foam <=1 | Morphology_Foam%vin%c("N/A") | Morphology_Foam%vin%("Present")
#> 125                               Morphology_Sphere <=1 | Morphology_Sphere%vin%c("N/A") | Morphology_Sphere%vin%("Present")
#> 126                                     Morphology_Line <=1 | Morphology_Line%vin%c("N/A") | Morphology_Line%vin%("Present")
#> 127                                     Morphology_Bead <=1 | Morphology_Bead%vin%c("N/A") | Morphology_Bead%vin%("Present")
#> 128                                  Morphology_Sheet <=1 | Morphology_Sheet%vin%c("N/A") | Morphology_Sheet%vin%("Present")
#> 129          Morphology_Film_Fragment <=1 | Morphology_Film_Fragment%vin%c("N/A") | Morphology_Film_Fragment%vin%("Present")
#> 130 Morphology_Rubbery_Fragment <=1 | Morphology_Rubbery_Fragment%vin%c("N/A") | Morphology_Rubbery_Fragment%vin%("Present")
#> 131                                                 Size_3000um <=1 | Size_3000um%vin%c("N/A") | Size_3000um%vin%("Present")
#> 132                                                    Size_2_5mm <=1 | Size_2_5mm%vin%c("N/A") | Size_2_5mm%vin%("Present")
#> 133                                                    Size_1_5mm <=1 | Size_1_5mm%vin%c("N/A") | Size_1_5mm%vin%("Present")
#> 134                                                    Size_1_2mm <=1 | Size_1_2mm%vin%c("N/A") | Size_1_2mm%vin%("Present")
#> 135                                              Size_0.5_1mm <=1 | Size_0.5_1mm%vin%c("N/A") | Size_0.5_1mm%vin%("Present")
#> 136                      Size_less_than_0.5mm <=1 | Size_less_than_0.5mm%vin%c("N/A") | Size_less_than_0.5mm%vin%("Present")
#> 137                                                    Size_500um <=1 | Size_500um%vin%c("N/A") | Size_500um%vin%("Present")
#> 138                                        Size_300_500um <=1 | Size_300_500um%vin%c("N/A") | Size_300_500um%vin%("Present")
#> 139                                        Size_125_300um <=1 | Size_125_300um%vin%c("N/A") | Size_125_300um%vin%("Present")
#> 140                                        Size_100_500um <=1 | Size_100_500um%vin%c("N/A") | Size_100_500um%vin%("Present")
#> 141             Size_greater_than_100um <=1 | Size_greater_than_100um%vin%c("N/A") | Size_greater_than_100um%vin%("Present")
#> 142                                           Size_50_150um <=1 | Size_50_150um%vin%c("N/A") | Size_50_150um%vin%("Present")
#> 143                                           Size_50_100um <=1 | Size_50_100um%vin%c("N/A") | Size_50_100um%vin%("Present")
#> 144                                                       Size_50um <=1 | Size_50um%vin%c("N/A") | Size_50um%vin%("Present")
#> 145                                           Size_45_125um <=1 | Size_45_125um%vin%c("N/A") | Size_45_125um%vin%("Present")
#> 146                Size_greater_than_25um <=1 | Size_greater_than_25um%vin%c("N/A") | Size_greater_than_25um%vin%("Present")
#> 147                                           Size_20um_5mm <=1 | Size_20um_5mm%vin%c("N/A") | Size_20um_5mm%vin%("Present")
#> 148                                           Size_20_100um <=1 | Size_20_100um%vin%c("N/A") | Size_20_100um%vin%("Present")
#> 149                                              Size_20_50um <=1 | Size_20_50um%vin%c("N/A") | Size_20_50um%vin%("Present")
#> 150                                              Size_10_50um <=1 | Size_10_50um%vin%c("N/A") | Size_10_50um%vin%("Present")
#> 151                                              Size_10_45um <=1 | Size_10_45um%vin%c("N/A") | Size_10_45um%vin%("Present")
#> 152                                              Size_10_20um <=1 | Size_10_20um%vin%c("N/A") | Size_10_20um%vin%("Present")
#> 153                Size_greater_than_10um <=1 | Size_greater_than_10um%vin%c("N/A") | Size_greater_than_10um%vin%("Present")
#> 154                                              Size_8_316um <=1 | Size_8_316um%vin%c("N/A") | Size_8_316um%vin%("Present")
#> 155                                              Size_5_100um <=1 | Size_5_100um%vin%c("N/A") | Size_5_100um%vin%("Present")
#> 156                                                 Size_5_10um <=1 | Size_5_10um%vin%c("N/A") | Size_5_10um%vin%("Present")
#> 157                                                 Size_4_10um <=1 | Size_4_10um%vin%c("N/A") | Size_4_10um%vin%("Present")
#> 158                                              Size_1.5_5um <=1 | Size_1.5_5um%vin%c("N/A") | Size_1.5_5um%vin%("Present")
#> 159                      Size_less_than_1.5um <=1 | Size_less_than_1.5um%vin%c("N/A") | Size_less_than_1.5um%vin%("Present")
#> 160                                              Size_1_100um <=1 | Size_1_100um%vin%c("N/A") | Size_1_100um%vin%("Present")
#> 161                                                 Size_1_50um <=1 | Size_1_50um%vin%c("N/A") | Size_1_50um%vin%("Present")
#> 162                                                 Size_1_10um <=1 | Size_1_10um%vin%c("N/A") | Size_1_10um%vin%("Present")
#> 163                                                    Size_1_5um <=1 | Size_1_5um%vin%c("N/A") | Size_1_5um%vin%("Present")
#> 164                                        Size_110_124nm <=1 | Size_110_124nm%vin%c("N/A") | Size_110_124nm%vin%("Present")
#> 165                                                 Size_0_20um <=1 | Size_0_20um%vin%c("N/A") | Size_0_20um%vin%("Present")